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CMPTGCS 130H S18 |
h00: Project 1: Variation of Pong
ready? | assigned | due | points |
true | Mon 04/02 02:00PM | Wed 04/18 02:00PM |
You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".
The primary goal of this project is to familiarize yourself with a game engine and learn how to implement basic mechanics.
Part 1
Design a new game that has some similarities to Pong. You should implement your own special “twist” to the game. This may include additional mechanics (shrinking / growing paddles, power-ups, two-wall scoring system instead of one, modified ball physics, …). Your game should also have a unifying “theme” or “spine”. Your sounds, art assets, mechanics, should all support the theme of your game.
The game engine you work with will depend on your familiarity with programming in general.
For experienced programmers, I recommend Unity. This is one of the more popular game engines that supports 2D and 3D games. Unity scripts are mainly in javascript or C# - I recommend familiarizing yourself with the environment by reading through some of their introductory tutorials.
For novice or beginning programmers, I recommend Scratch. This is a block-based programming environment that is popular to teach programming to beginners using game concepts. There are many tutorials on how to work with Scratch. Here are some sample Scratch Projects where you can inspect the “code” to learn how certain elements were implemented.
There are many other game engines available, and if you would like to work with a specific one, just let me know.
Part 2
Write a summary / analysis of your game that addresses the following points:
Which game elements (aesthetics, mechanics, story, technology) reinforce the “theme” of your game.
Main challenges when developing your game, and what you did to address them.
References to any assets used to create your game (a simple name and link to where you found it is good enough). If you created your own assets, state so.