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CMPTGCS 130H S18 |
h01: Project 2: Educational Game
ready? | assigned | due | points |
true | Mon 04/23 12:30PM | Sun 05/13 11:59PM |
You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".
The primary goal of this project is to create a game with an educational theme that teaches the player something.
Part 1
Design a new game that teaches the player something. What the game teaches is purely up to you, but you should keep in mind the scope of the assignment. Also, how you implement your mechanics is up to you as well. If you’re focusing on having the player learn a language, limit the mechanics to focus on a few vocabulary words since I would be VERY surprised if you create a game that spans an entire language within the deadline.
Keep in mind the game design elements we discussed in class when designing your game. For example, does the game have a central theme? Do you provide useful feedback to the player (rewards / punishments) thoughout gameplay? Is the challenge / skill well-balanced? etc.
Some educational themes you may consider (but not limited to) when creating your game:
- For more ideas of what kind of educational games you can work on, check out https://www.education.com/games/, which emphasizes educational games for kids.
- If you’re not sure if you’re idea counts as an educational game, feel free to talk to me about it.
Part 2
Write a summary / analysis of your game that addresses the following points:
Which game elements (aesthetics, mechanics, story, technology) reinforce the “theme” of your game.
How did you balance your game? What did you consider in terms balancing the skill and challenge? Who is the target audience for your game?
Main challenges when developing your game, and what you did to address them.
References to any assets used to create your game (a simple name and link to where you found it is good enough). If you created your own assets, state so.
To submit your game, zip up your relevant files, upload this to your Google Drive account and share this with me. Be prepared to demo this game to the class on Monday 5/14.