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CMPTGCS 130H S18 |
h02: Project 3: Final Project
ready? | assigned | due | points |
true | Mon 05/07 12:30PM | Wed 06/06 11:59PM |
You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".
The final game project for this course involves working in a small team to design and develop a game of your choosing.
This project will be broken up into three milestones. Each milestone will require a deliverable described below:
M1: Game Concept (due Sunday, 5/13)
Deliverables: Your team will provide a preliminary concept for your game. Submit a 1-2 page document answering the following questions (one submission per team):
- What are the basic mechanics of the game?
- What are the rules / goals for the player?
- What game engine will you work with?
- Who in your team will “own” certain components of the game? What is the plan for delegating work appropriately.
M2: Game Prototype (due Sunday, 5/27)
Deliverables: Your team will submit a rough prototype of the game illustrating the main mechanics described in M1 as well as a 1-2 page document answering the following questions (one submission per team):
- What is the current state of the game?
- What components still need to be completed?
- What is going well?
- What is not going well?
- What are the contributions made by each member in your team?
- What components are each group member planning on completing for the next milestone?
M3: Balance, Debugging, and Polish (due Wednesday, 6/8)
Deliverables: Your team will focus on balancing, debugging, and polishing your game, and submit a final version of the game. Your team should be prepared to demo your game in class on Wednesday 6/8. In addition to submitting the game, your team will submit a 1-2 page document answering the following questions (one submission per team):
- What is the current state of the game?
- What components are working well?
- What components could be improved?
- What are the contributions made by each member in your team?
- What was the greatest successes your team accomplished?
- What were the hardest challenges your team faced?